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   "Dear Colleagues,

   The S. R. Ovshinsky Award for 2005 was conferred in Sinaia, Romania, during the Second International Workshop on Amorphous and Nanostructured Chalcogenides ANC-2 (June 20-24, 2005), 
   The winner was Prof. Acad. Andrei Andriesh, from Chishinau, Moldova. 

    Prof. Andrei Andries is the Director of the Center of Optoelectronics of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of sciences of Moldova Republic. He was born in October 24, 1933 in Chishinau, Moldova.
    Prof. Andries is graduated from Moldova State University, Faculty of Physics (1956).
    In the period 1959-1962 he was Ph. D. Student in the Physico-Technical Institute "A. F. Joffe" in Sankt-Petersburg (former Leningrad). He defended his Ph. D. thesis in 1962. Then he moved in Moldova Chishinau, and worked many years as research worker in the Institute of Applied Physics of the Moldavian Academy of Sciences.
    He got all the professional degrees and has been elected as head of Laboratory (from 1971), member of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences (1978-2004), President of the Academy of Sciences (1989-2004). Since 1993 Acad. Andries is the Director of the Center of Optoelectronics of the Institute of Applied Physics in Chishinau, Moldova. His interest is in physics of non-crystalline semiconductors, optoelectronics, optical recording of information, chalcogenides, non-linear optics, optical fibers.
    Prof. Andries is author and co-author of more than 400 scientific papers and 40 patents. He and his co-workers elaborated a high number of passive and active elements for integrated optics based on non-crystalline chalcogenides." 




Prof. Andrei Andries