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Journal of Non-Oxide Glasses
Volume 3, Number 3, July-September, 2011
Article Index
Volume 3, Number 3, July-September, 2011
Volume list
All Pages
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I. A. Ezenwa, A. J. Ekpunobi
"Opticasl propertyies and band offsets of CdS/ZnS superlattice deposited by chemical bath metho...........................p. 77-87
(pdf file).
J. Jebaranya, B. Vijayan
"Kinetics of oxidation of maleic mono anolode by n-chloro-3-methy;-2,6-diphenyl piperidine-4-one in acid medium".................................p. 89-103
(pdf file).
N.A. Okereke, I.A. Ezenwa, A.J. Ekpunobi
"Effect of thickness on the opticalproperties of zinc selenide thin films".................................p. 105-111
(pdf file).