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- O. Prikhodko, N. Almasov, S. Dyussembayev, S. Maksimovaa, V. Ushanov, K. Tsendin, S. Nesterov "Bismuth impurity influence on electronic properties of amorphous As40Se30S30 films".............. p. 519 - 523 (pdf file).
- A. I. Iorgu, D. BErger, L. Alexandrescu, B. S. Vasile, C. Matei "Synthesis of photoluminescent pure and doped cadmium sulfide by reverse microemulsion method".............. p. 525 - 531 (pdf file).
- K. N'Dri, V. Coulibaly, J. Sei, D. Houphouet-Boigny, J.C. Jumas "Investigation of antimony local environment in some Sb2S3-As2S3-Sb2Te3 glasses by mossbauer spectroscopy ".............. p. 533 - 541 (pdf file).
- A. Apolinar-Iribe, M.C. Acosta-Enriquez, D. Berman-Mendoza, T. Mendivil-Reynoso, E. Larios-Rodriguez, R. Ramirez-Bon , S. J. Castillo "Effects of the annealing on CuS thin films using triethanolamine as complexing agent by CBD".............. p. 543 - 553 (pdf file).
- Aned De Leon, F. Rocha-Alonso, E. F. Velazquez, S. J. Castillo, A. Apolinar-Iribe "A comparison between polyethyleneimine and triethanolamine as complexing agents for PbS: theoretical perspectives".............. p. 555 - 564 (pdf file).