ISSN 2065-6874
Journal of Non-Oxide Glasses has now closed and ceased publication.
We are no longer accepting submissions for this journal but you can submit to another of our journals.
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Managing Editor:
Dr. Spyros Yannopoulos, FORTH ICE-HT, Greece
Founding editor:
Prof. Dr. Mihai A. Popescu, National Institute of Material Physics, Romania
Journal of Non-oxide Glasses is a open access, peer-reviewed journal, permitting anyone to read, download, distribute and print the published papers.
Journal of Non-oxide Glasses will be covered in ISI Thomson Reuters products and custom information services.
This publication will be indexed and abstracted in the following:
-Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as Scisearch)
-Journal of Citation Reports/Science Edition
-Materials Science Citation Index
Edited by Virtual Company of Physics
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