The article publication charge for Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures is 250 EURO for each article

- Publication fee covers the reviewing process, technical processing and free access to the online edition. 
The payment must be made only after approval of the paper for publication.  A letters of acceptance will be forwarded by the Managing Editor. 


- The corresponding author will receive a proforma invoice and a copyright document.


- The accounts for payment are available at the contact window on this site.


- In case the manuscripts needs an extensive language correction to be made by the redaction staff, then an additional tax of 50 EURO will be perceived.


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- Manuscripts sent to other e-mail addresses will not be considered. 






 - Before you submit a paper please read the Journal Scope and Instructions for authors. 

- Your paper must be in the research area described at the Journal Scope for it to be accepted for reviewing.

- Your article must respect the Article template and must be edited as requested.

- Plagiarism is not acceptable in this journal. Please read the Ethics and plagiarism and make sure your manuscript does comply with our standards.

- You must also fill out the Copyright statement and send it to us if your article will be accepted. 

- When you submit a paper to Dig. J. Nanomater. Bios., please send as attached file the information requested in the Declaration of authenticity