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Journal of Optoelectronic and Biomedical Materials
Volume 3, Number 2, April-June 2011
Article Index
Volume 3, Number 2, April-June 2011
Volume list
All Pages
Page 1 of 2
J. Suryakanth, V. Arivazhagan, M. Manonmani Parvathi, S. Rajesh
"Functionalization of MWCNT with SnO
through sol-gel route"..........................p.31-38
(pdf file).
V. B. Sanap, B. H. Pawar
"Study of chemical bath deposited nanocrystalline CdZnS thin films"..........................p. 39-43
(pdf file).
M.C. Rao
"Effect of substrate temperature on the structural and electrical conduction behavior of vacuum evaporated WO
thin films"..........................p. 45-50
(pdf file).
N. A. Okereke, A. J. Ekpunobi
"Structural and electrical characteristics of silver selenide thin films"..........................p. 51-55
(pdf file).