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Journal of Optoelectronic and Biomedical Materials
Volume 9, Number 2, April - June 2017
Article Index
Volume 9, Number 2, April - June 2017
Volume list
All Pages
Page 1 of 2
M. M. Tagiyev, S. Z. Jafarova, G. M. Ahmadov, G. B. Baylarov
"Electrical and thermal properties of the solid solutions of Bi-Sb systems with various impurities"
.........................p. 73 - 78
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J. W. Mah, S. Shanmugan, D. Mutharasu
"Impact of temperature, pressure, and current on thermal resistance of thermal interface material in optoelectronics device"
.........................p. 79 - 84
(pdf file)
S. Haid, B. Bouadjemi, A. Abbad, W. Benstaali, S. Bentata
"The effect of transition metal on optoelectronic properties of double perovskite Sr
.........................p. 85 - 94
(pdf file)
M. Almatari "
Energy absorption and exposure buildup factors for some bioactive glasses samples: penetration depth, photon energy, and atomic number dependence"
........................p. 95 - 105
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F. Kausar, N. Khalid , M. L. Mirza, M. I. Din
"Influence of electrolytes on decontamination of Cu(II) ions by surface of coconut coir"
.........................p. 107 - 119
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